Kinder Pledge Link


Saturday April 26th, 2024 1pm – 6 pm

Hayfield Kinder Trespass Group and Spirit of Kinder Trespass 93 Weekend


Press release

Kinder Pledge to be launched at Hayfield

The 92nd  anniversary of the Kinder Mass Trespass  will be marked by an access festival at Hayfield on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

As well as marking the anniversary of the 1932 trespass, the theme of  the day will be the current campaigns to secure and enhance responsible access to open spaces in the countryside and our towns and cities.

As part of the event, the Hayfield Kinder Trespass Group, together with representatives of the Ramblers’ Association, Right to Roam, the British Mountaineering Council, Spirit of Kinder and outdoor swimmers, will formally launch the Kinder Pledge, based on Benny Rothman’s 1989 Rivington Pledge, updated to reflect current issues and campaigns.

The Kinder Pledge is attached under Notes to Editors.

The event will also host speakers who will address how best we achieve greater access and will include (with more to be confirmed):

Kate Ashbrook, General Secretary of the Open Spaces Society, who has been a tireless advocate for preserving and championing open spaces, and continues as a prominent advocate for greater responsible access to the outdoors.

Dave Morris, former Scottish Ramblers’ leader and a dedicated environmental campaigner, has made significant strides in advocating responsible access to green spaces, notably in obtaining the Right to Roam in Scotland under the Scottish Land Reform Act.

Dave will highlight the stark contrast between Scotland and England when it comes to public access to nature. Under the Scottish Land Reform Act of 2003, public access rights apply to most land and water, even around densely populated cities, as long as people adhere to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.

Dave Morris will claims that Westminster politicians should learn from Scotland’s approach and work toward delivering equal rights of access to nature for all in England.

Music will be provided by Johnny Campbell. Johnny is a multi-disciplinary folk musician who passionately promotes the radical history of Northern English working-class struggles and celebrations through original and traditional songs.

There will also be stalls, exhibitions and a mummers’ play about Land Justice, all taking place in and around Hayfield Village Hall, Green and St Matthew’s Church. The Tent People

In this election year, it is crucial that everyone who cares about protecting and extending responsible access comes along to show support for campaigns being organised by the new Outdoors for All coalition and manifesto ( see under Notes for Editors).

There will also be stalls, exhibitions and a mummers’ play about Land Justice, all taking place in and around Hayfield Village Hall, Green and St Mattew’s Church. The Tent People will be providing food and drink throughout the day and evening – and in Hayfield itself there are three cafes and four pubs.

Parking is very limited in Hayfield, so we are requesting people arrive by public transport if possible.


For further information: Contact Dave Toft of the Hayfield Trespass Group on 07939 925352

Notes for Editors

1: The Kinder Pledge

We declare our commitment to a universal right of free and responsible access to all landscapes, rural and urban, for all.

We pledge to peacefully campaign to enshrine in law the right of universal open access to land and water, urban and rural, across all of the UK. This law should be similar to those currently in place in Scotland. We will also support the actions of those who undertake forms of non-violent direct action to campaign for these rights.

We pledge to do no damage to any landscape and to recognise that some areas may not be available to everyone at all times, in order to protect the environment and wildlife.

Through formal and informal programmes of education, we will seek to extend popular understanding of the natural and built environments and how we can best protect and enhance the rich diversity of the life and lifestyles that they enable and support.

Individually and with others we will explore, enjoy, exercise, and simply be in open urban and rural spaces. We respect the rights of others to do likewise. We will work to ensure that open spaces are welcoming and accessible to anyone and everyone on an equal basis.

2: The Outdoors for All Manifesto:

Outdoors For All is a coalition representing many thousands of outdoor people throughout the country:● Over 36 leading national governing bodies and environmental organisations have signed up to support the manifesto, seeking to extend responsible access to more green, blue and urban spaces.

●          The Outdoors For All coalition is calling for new legislation to open up more of our countryside, including waterways, woodland, riversides and downland for public enjoyment

●          A new bill will create opportunities for people to enjoy more land and water for activities including cycling, walking, climbing, horse riding, caving, swimming, flying and paddling.

●          The UK ranks lowest of 14 European nations on connectedness to nature. It also ranks 11th out of 15 European nations on levels of physical activity. Nations that rank higher than the UK, have far more freedom to enjoy their outdoor spaces.

Signatories include representatives from Hayfield Kinder Trespass Group, the Open Spaces Society, the Ramblers’ Association, the British Mountaineering Council, Right to Roam, British Canoeing and groups representing paddlesport, swimming, horse riding, climbing, rambling, wheeling, flying and many more. The manifesto also has the support of the National Trust, The Canal & Rivers Trust, The Wildlife Trusts and the Campaign for National Parks.


Saturday APRIL 22nd

and Sunday, 23rd 2023


View / download a PDF copy of the Kinder Trespass 91 poster here

On both days, the pubs and shops will be open to welcome visitors, as well as a pop-up ‘Walkers Welcome’ bar, which will also be hosting talks and live music.

If you intend to come to either day, please make every effort to arrive by public transport, especially on the Sunday.

If you love the Great Outdoors, remember – without the Mass Trespass, there would be no Great Outdoors to enjoy!

Be there to remember the events of 1932 and also to support current campaigns for access to our countryside